My Summer Romance Page 7
“Si, signora.” Mario positioned himself and waited for me.
“It’s ok Mario, I’ll do this.” Alessia said as she stood to the side of the man.
“No, we don’t need you. Look what happened last time. I could have been hurt.” Those words also sounded curt, but not as curt as I’d have liked. “Ready Mario.” I thrust my shoulder into the cart as Mario did the same.
I lost sight of Alessia during the push back uphill due to the cart blocking my view, but as we hit level ground I did catch a glimpse of her back as she entered the villa.
“See if I care Mario.” I said in English as we pushed the cart into the winery.
It didn’t take as long as usual to empty the cart of its contents. It was as though I took my anger out on the lever as I turned it, crushing the grapes into juice. As I wheeled the juice toward the silos, I noticed another two carts full of grapes had been manoeuvred into the bay. At least I wouldn’t have to do it myself this time.
I dipped the hose into the juice barrel and turned the lever attached to the wheel which sucked the liquid into the silo. I was getting into a good rhythm when two hands grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
“This way now!” Alessia said and then we were striding toward a door which she opened, pushing me through and then closing it behind us.
“Just what is the big idea?” I said, throwing her hand off my arm.
I knew this room to be some sort of a storage area, though I’d never been in it before. However it resembled more a cupboard than an actual room, it really was cramped. Disinfectant and other cleaning materials were stacked on shelves along with what looked like spare parts for the various machines in operation here, not that I paid much attention to those small details at the present moment in time.
“I know you’re angry and you have every right to be.” She really was stood close to me, so close that I couldn’t even see what she was wearing on her legs without tilting my head down. As it turned out, they were bare, as usual – A fact that didn’t help me out when I was trying to be angry with her. She was probably wearing the exact same self-tailored denim shorts she wore in Firenze, which had played such an important role in winning me over. She also had on a green sleeveless stretchy top which her breasts were trying their hardest to push through.
I wondered if she’d been wearing sports bras on all the other occasions I’d seen her for they never appeared this large before. I knew for a fact she had been wearing one along with her running gear when I first met her while rummaging through that damn chest. But back to the moment - I swore she’d changed into something she knew I wouldn’t be able to resist. How could I resist this Goddess as she stood inches from me, her breasts almost touching mine due to the strict confines of the room? But I didn’t want to get hurt again, so resist her I would have to do, no matter how hard it would be.
“Angry? Who’s angry?” I looked her deadpan in the eyes, as serious as I could. God, all I wanted to do was rip her clothes off, but she’d treated me as if I didn’t matter and I was not going to be best friends with her just because she decided to breeze back in town. For all I knew she’d be gone again this time tomorrow.
“You’re obviously very angry.” She put a hand on my arm and I batted it away. “See! I knew it. How can you say you’re not angry when you clearly are angry?”
The look on her face as she spoke was so full of mischief. She was testing and teasing me, daring me to laugh and laugh I easily could, if only I wasn’t so angry with her. Still, it took a big effort to stop myself from falling into hysterics, and it was an even bigger effort to save from making up with her right there right then and in a way I’d remember for the rest of my life. This whole situation really was ridiculous. Here I was, having been bundled into a little store cupboard, stood toe to toe with this beautiful girl who I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since the moment I met her. And now she was all but demanding that we resumed where things left off. How had things come to this? She sure gave me problems when she was away. But when she was around she caused whirlwinds that vibrated to my very core.
“No, Alessia, you’d have to matter for me to be angry.” I prayed that what was going on in my head was not given away by my face. But then on some levels, I guessed she knew what I was thinking, what I wanted to do to her.
“I don’t matter to you?”
I exhaled loud, making a show of it. “No Alessia, you don’t.”
“I’m back home forever. I just wanted you to know that.” She was trying to gage my reaction to those words and I wasn’t sure how great my poker face was.
“Really?” I asked, immediately regretting my need for clarification.
Her lips curled up ever so slightly. “Yes. Take a look in my car. I’ve brought all my things back from Milano.”
“Whether you stay or leave again, it matters little to me.” Even as I spoke the words, my heart filled with joy and hope. I may only be sticking around for another five weeks, but if Alessia would be here throughout that time, it would be far from boring.
She leaned back, propping her elbow on a shelf and as she did her breasts pushed out just that little bit further. She was almost certainly testing me and I bet she enjoyed it too. “So you’re not in the least bit happy I came back then?” The sheer audacity of the girl. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find her exhilarating.
I stepped forward, closing the gap she’d created a few seconds before. She was taken aback by the sudden rash move. In the moment, I just lost control of any restraint and if I had wanted to play this as though I didn’t care, then she had me beaten. “Alessia, you arrived in my life and changed it all in a single day. And then against my better judgements, I gave into you when I knew you would hurt me. You left without saying a word to me, without a single word of where you were going or for how long. You must be some arrogant piece of work if you think you can simply turn up again and I’ll come running to you.” I watched as her mouth dropped open, finally looking a little sorry for the pain she’d put me through the last couple of weeks. “Would you please stay away from me!”
I turned round, yanked open the door and headed for the villa. As I passed Alessia’s car, I noticed how it was packed with her things.
I figured it was about time I finished work and so I headed straight for my room after what I could only describe as an experience with Alessia.
Sure, I was still angry with her, but in no way did I truly wish for her to stay away from me. In fact a large part of me wished we’d have kissed and made friends in that little room; it sure would have been interesting. But if I made it too easy for her to win me round then she’d only end up taking me for granted in the future. No, I had to make her work for me, at least a little bit. Since her return, I’d knocked her back twice, something I had a feeling she wasn’t used to experiencing. Besides, she still hadn’t told me why she left like she did and what she was doing while away. It felt good to be the one in control for a change.
I heard a car door slam and so I went to the window and looked outside. Alessia was going to and fro between her car and the villa, bringing in bags of luggage and various obscure shaped objects. I had a great view of her straining from the effort as I sat on the window ledge, pretending to read a book. A couple of times I caught her glancing at me and I was half tempted to wave at her, but thought better of it. When the last of her belongings were taken from the car, she locked the doors and entered the house for the final time. From then on I had the pleasure of listening to her walking up and down the steps, from the bottom to the top floor, with laboured movements as she carried her things to her bedroom. Throughout, I was reading The Prince, by Nicolo Machiavelli, a classic piece of Italian literature, though I really couldn’t concentrate on it very well. I was far too busy giggling to myself. On more than one occasion Alessia panted loud enough for me to hear through the closed bedroom door, twice she kicked a step in anger and once I thought I heard her fall over. I guessed it was probably m
ean of me to be revelling in the girl’s misfortune, but perhaps if she’d not done what she had then I’d have been more than willing to help her out.
From the window ledge, I saw Alberto leave the house, climb into his van and drive away down the path and out of the gates. There was nothing unusual in that, since Alberto regularly left the house at this time for extended periods. However, what it did mean was that for the first time ever, I was alone with Alessia.
My belly rumbled. It was time for an aperitif. I put my book down and left the room.
Alessia neared the top of the stairs with a box in her arms so I stood to the side, allowing her to pass. The faint smell of body odour, mixed with spices brought back the memory of the time we met after she’d been jogging. She glanced at me, sweat pricking at her forehead and so I gave her a smile and carried on down the stairs. The poor girl still had at least half her things to carry upstairs remaining.
I opened the fridge and put together a tasty aperitif of thin bread slices with cheese, parma ham and sundried tomatoes. I poured a glass of Vino di Giordano and carried the meal back upstairs. I didn’t pass Alessia on the return trip, but I did see her, through her open bedroom door, tipping a box full of what looked like running and other training gear onto her bed. She really wasn’t a tidy person and I wondered to what extent that reflected her mind.
I perched myself back on my window ledge, ate the aperitif and sipped wine while reading, or at least trying to read Machiavelli.
Twenty minutes later there was a knock on my door.
“Yes?” I said from my perched position on the window ledge.
The door slinked open followed by Alessia’s head peeking through the crack. “May I come in?”
I hesitated for a second and put my wine down on the table. “You may.”
Alessia crept inside and closed the door behind her. Immediately, I was aware that whatever game I’d been playing the last hour, however much I felt like it was me who was in control, one look at her in those jogging bottoms and that sleeveless top as she entered turned my legs to jelly. No, it was Alessia who was in control, not I. For the first time ever, we were now truly alone, all by ourselves and my jelly legs trembled from what I could only describe as anxiety, bordering on true fear.
She half closed the gap between the door and myself so that now she stood a couple of metres away. She’d changed again since our little rendezvous in the store cupboard, perhaps due to her prior exertion from all the lifting and carrying but I’d never seen her looking so beautiful, her ponytail draped over her shoulder in front of her as she clung to it with both hands. I’d never seen her looking so vulnerable either and I wondered if she was as petrified as I was.
“Hi, Dayna. I just wanted to say that I’m truly sorry for leaving like I did. It was wrong of me, considering everything.” She didn’t look at me as she spoke, but to the floor, with only the occasional glance upward to meet my eye. “It’s just that, as you know, I wasn’t right with my head, with Marco and everything. I just needed some time away to come to terms with losing my best friend and…” She paused and now she did meet my eyes.
“And what, Alessia?” I asked, praying she was about to say what I hoped.
She took a step closer to me. Why could she never invade my personal space when it mattered the most? I wanted her flush against my body.
“With losing my best friend and…” Strands of her hair came loose from the constant twisting and pulling. “…And my attraction to you.”
I stood, closing the gap some more so that if I reached out I could touch her. My legs held, I don’t know how but they did.
“I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you.” Alessia said, her tanned skin blushing red. “While I was away, you were all I thought about. It nearly made me sick. So now I’m back and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Oh, Alessia, you have no idea how good that is to hear.” For a few brief seconds, my eyes glazed over for I’d been unaware I was crying.
Alessia let go of her hair and closed the small space between us, then she raised her hand and wiped away my tears with her thumb. I laughed at the beautiful gesture, a world of heartache leaving with it. Then she moved her thumb down to my bottom lip, where I could taste the salt from my tears and she gently brushed along the entire length and I tasted more salt as she did. I reached up and grabbed her forearm and then we both stopped dead, only looking at one another, barely daring to breath for fear of spoiling this moment. We were close now, so close that spices filled my head, the pupils of her green eyes were enlarged and her chest heaved in unison with mine, our breasts just barely touching together.
I let go of her forearm and as I did, she lost her hands in my blond locks, grabbing swathes and threading them round her fingers, pulling my face just that little bit closer to hers so that I could feel her breath on my skin. I clasped my free hands around her slim waist, squeezing and feeling her lithe physique below the thin material of her top. She really did have the most incredible hourglass figure and I marvelled at how my hands widened apart as I ran them down her hips. I pulled her into me so that our thighs crushed together and then our lips were inches apart. She stared between my eyes and lips and I knew I was unconsciously doing the same.
“I’ve never wanted anything so much.” I said as I brought my hands up and held her face. This was no longer just lust for me, but so much more than that and I surrendered to the thought of giving myself to Alessia.
Her smell, her sweet natural smell filled my world as our lips neared and I closed my eyes in preparation as she did the same. Then our lips pressed softly together, sending a bolt of energy down my spine and to my toes. Her tongue found its way into my mouth as it ran along the inside of my lip. My tongue connected with hers as I reached round and pulled out her hair bobble. I pulled back and watched as her long brown hair unfurled before my eyes.
She smiled while swishing her hair about. “Very few people get to see me with my hair down.” If that was true then she was denying the world something special. Her hair begged for my touch, so I ran my hand through it, the silky texture flowing between my fingers, the smell of yet more spices flooding my world.
I took a step toward the bed, pulling her with me and that was when I felt the wetness between my legs. Oh God but this was really going to happen. Though there was just one thing left on my mind, just one confession I needed to make, that I needed her to know. “Alessia, this will be my first time.” I knew my pale skin was turning red from my admission.
She sighed and smiled at me, pausing for a few seconds before speaking. “And you will be my first.”
“No, I meant, you will be my first time with anybody. Not just with a woman.” I suddenly felt more vulnerable than before.
She laughed, tilting her head to the ceiling, then slowly looked back to me. “And I meant the same.”
She laughed, I laughed; a mixture of relief, happiness and emotions I just couldn’t describe. This was so perfect. But it was about to get so much better.
“Take your top off!” She demanded while grabbing my blouse from the bottom and forcing it over my head, apparently unable to wait for me to remove the barrier myself. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to see you in your bra.” She threw my top to the floor and then brought her hands up to cup my breasts, moving her eyes between the two large globes as she caressed them and my eyes to gage my reaction.
But my bra was still on - It wasn’t as if either of us were practiced at this, so I reached round, unhooked it and she gently slipped it off before returning her hands to my breasts.
My body shook. It was an intense moment having this girl’s hands on my body like this. But I was not going to wait another second before I got to see Alessia’s breasts, heaving in my hands. Her sports top was tight against her skin, it really was a turn on, but it would have to be removed nonetheless. I pulled it up, the material stretching as I did and then it was over her head, her arms raised, ever so slightly flattening her breasts.
And then she watched me as she lowered her arms, her breasts coming into place, though in reality they were so firm they barely moved in her sports bra, which took me all of three seconds to unhook and discard to the floor.
I exhaled without realising. Two large, perfectly pert breasts demanded my attention. Her nipples were small yet stood hard and stimulated. I didn’t wait another second. I brought my hungry hands over them, pressing them, feeling their weight in my grasp as they more than filled my hands. I wanted my mouth over her nipple, to run my tongue over and across it, but I could wait, though not for long.
Alessia smiled with pride, gaging my reaction to experiencing her body that she’d put so much training time into. She knew she was hot and that made her all the sexier. “I can see you like those.” She said with total conviction, obviously enjoying my perversion.
That was an understatement. “You’re the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen.”
Then she pulled me into her with an unexpected force and our breasts crushed together; blond against brunette. We kissed for several minutes and then I felt her hand round the front of my skirt as she fiddled with the buttons and then it came loose and fell to the floor.
I stepped out from the skirt and gestured to her jogging bottoms. “Hey, I’m going to need you out of those things too you know.”
She didn’t hesitate and removed them in a matter of seconds to reveal her long, tanned legs. They were slender yet sculpted, her muscle tone barely visible to the eye, but more than evident to the touch, as I found out when I ran my hands down their entire length.
“You really are such a pervert, Dayna.” She joked, but I just couldn’t help it.
I ran my hands back up the length of one thigh as I slowly stood. My hands reached her underwear, some black sporty things and then I gently grazed her pussy through the material. She bucked from the sensation and then she saw my wide grin as I felt how wet her underwear was.
“You really want this don’t you!” I said, knowing the answer. I enjoyed teasing her, she deserved it.